The McBoiko's Land
the land the yurt the critters photo album the methow
Golden Doe Ranch the back-80 kidsplaying

To our west beyond Alder Creek, there is an 80-acre parcel. Until recently it was completely undeveloped. A couple from Seattle bought the land in 2000 and are building a house on it now. We can see a small portion of their roofline from our yurt but most of the land (and the view) remains untouched. Mt McClure, which is National Forest Service land, lies beyond the 80-acres. Our neighbors are very nice folks and don't mind if we hike on their property. Here is a photo of the lake (which is on the 80 acres) with Mt McClure in the background.

Scotty and Corey on a rocky outcropping. (Summer of '97)

Scotty, Laura and Bob hiking. (Summer of '97)

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