The McBoiko's Land
the land the yurt the critters photo album the methow
Golden Doe Ranch the back-80 kidsplaying

Golden Doe Ranch is a 300-acre Dept of Wildlife refuge south of our land. We like to hike down there. The trail is also good for mountain biking. Here is a view of Golden Doe from the hill on our adjacent 6-acre parcel. You can see Rudy (the chocolate lab) and the fence in the foreground which marks the end of our land and the beginning of Golden Doe. The path is on the left.

This is the view from the path looking west. You can hike around the back side of Doe Haven to the lake on the 80-acre parcel.

The cattails down by the creek.

Alder Creek runs through Golden Doe and empties into the Methow River. It is a wet-lands habitat with lots of cattails and birds. We often see red-wing black birds down here.

Evan and Scotty.

Back to front: Bob, Evan, Derek, Anna, Corey, Scotty.

Anna and Derek.

If you follow the road a ways, it turns to the east. Continue heading in this direction and you will come to a overlook where you can see the whole Methow Valley laid out in front of you.

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