The McBoiko's Land
the land the yurt the critters photo album the methow
critter log #1 critter log #2 critter log #3 critter log #4 critter log #5

We have lots of animals at the land. There are bears, cougars, rattlesnakes, coyotes, beavers, a myriad of birds and the white-tail deer are ubiquitous. I've been keeping a Critter Log for sometime; here a few highlights:
  • Once I saw an ermine (all white with a small black patch at the tip of her tail) bounding across the snow on the back-80.
  • Hiking there in the spring, I startled a grouse. She flew away to divert my attention from her nest - which I found in the grasses nearby with two eggs.
  • Scotty was strambling up some rocks and pulled one loose. A baby bat had been wedged between that rock and another one. She had crimson-orange wings.
  • We had a pack rat in the yurt. She really did stash stuff away in her favorite spots - things she particularly liked including some shiny brass hooks, some lego pieces, an odd assortment of nesting material and - poor thing - the decon we had to put out to kill her.
  • As I was walking out to the van one time, I saw movement underneath it. A rattlesnake was curled up in the shade. She had very distinctive and beautiful markings on her tail and we saw her several times that weekend around the yurt.

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