The McBoiko's Land
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critter log #1 critter log #2 critter log #3 critter log #4 critter log #5

two rattlesnakes

Hiking by the rock cliffs on the back-80, I heard the distinctive rattle of a rattlesnake. I stopped dead in my tracks; in the grass about four feet in front of me, I saw a rattlesnake - perfectly camouflaged and very still. It was several moments before I noticed a second rattlesnake hanging over the rock cliff. It may be a den (and we call it rattlesnake rock now) or they may have been about to mate. I watched them for some time and took a couple pictures. (Laura) spring 1998
Corey found a frog in the yurt. There's a photograph of Scotty holding it. (Corey, Scotty, Bob, Laura) summer 1998
frog On a tree branch near the creek. (Scotty and Bob) fall 1998
ermine Once I saw an ermine (all white with a small black patch at the tip of her tail) bounding across the snow on the back-80. (Laura) winter 1998/1999
snake skin - "coffee with cream" colored and black Below the pine tree just south of the yurt. (Laura, Bob, Scotty, Corey) summer 1999

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