The McBoiko's Land
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critter log #1 critter log #2 critter log #3 critter log #4 critter log #5

weasle I saw a weasle running across a field driving along the back road from Winthrop to Twisp. summer 2001
otters Scotty and I were playing at the beach at Camp Sealth when we saw three otters emerge out of the sound and scamper across the beach to a drain pipe. summer 2001
downy woodpecker When we were visiting my folks in Chicago, there was a downy woodpecker which kept coming back to one of the oak trees in our backyard. (Laura, Scotty, Corey) summer 2001
black snake Corey noticed a black snake near Split Rock in New Paltz, NY. (Corey, Laura) summer 2001
snapping turtle We found a large snapping turtle (about 10 inches in diameter) in the shallow water at Split Rock. (Scotty, Corey, Eamon, Aunt Liz and Laura) summer 2001
bear scat and paw print Once when we were hiking behind Doe Haven towards the lake in the back-80, we came across some bear scat. The bear had been eating berries. Later that day, we saw a bear paw print in the mud by the lake. summer 2001
coyote or fox I saw a coyote or a fox running across the road (Rattlesnake Road). It looked too big for a fox but had it's tail extended which is unusual for a coyote. fall 2001

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