The McBoiko's Land
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critter log #6

rattler As I was walking out to the van one time, I saw movement underneath it. A rattlesnake was curled up in the shade. She had very distinctive and beautiful markings on her tail and we saw her several times that weekend around the yurt. (Laura, Bob, Grandma Claire, Scotty, Corey)
fall 2001
blue heron She was standing perfectly still in the beaver ponds at the bottom of the dirt road. fall 2001
mallard duck We were swimming at Pearrigan Lake and a very tame female mallard came up to the kids and ate bread crumbs right out of their hands. (Laura, Bob, Scotty, Corey) fall 2001
Ptarmigan He was by the road on the way up to the yurt. Ptarmigan's have funny-looking furry legs. (Laura, Grandma Claire, Scotty, Corey) fall 2001

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