The McBoiko's Land
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critter log #1 critter log #2 critter log #3 critter log #4 critter log #5

white-tail deer Golden Doe Ranch is a deer reserve and the white-tail deer are everywhere. all seasons all years
signs of beaver

Alder Creek is a wet-lands because the beavers dam it. We haven't seen any beavers but we see their dams and lodges and lots of pencil-shaped stumps. all seasons all years
quail We often see a line of quail with their funny little comb on the tops of their heads crossing the dirt road - most frequently near to the "Quail Crossing" sign at the "T" for Rattlesnake Road. all seasons all years
dead frog A little frog jumped into the hole in the bottom of the grey fuse box on our electrical board and wasn't able to find it's way back out! (Bob, Laura, Scotty, Corey) spring 1998

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