The McBoiko's Land
the land the yurt the critters photo album the methow
critter log #1 critter log #2 critter log #3 critter log #4 critter log #5

dead starling We found a dead starling in the kitchen sink in the yurt (probably trying to get water). We brought it back to Seattle to give to the Audibon Society for their educational program. We couldn't figure out how it got it but later there were four dead starlings in the wood stove. Apparently they flew down the stovepipe and then couldn't get out again. spring 2000
eagles I saw four eagles in the trees along the Twisp-Carlton Road. (Laura, Bob, Scotty, Corey) winter 2000
woodchuck I saw a woodchuck in Patricia and Jayson's backyard. spring 2001
four dead starlings The birds were trapped in our wood stove. Apparently they fly down the stove pipe but can't fly back up again. spring 2001
deer bones We often find deer bones. We found a jaw bone on a hike down to Golden Doe and also down by the treefort. Recently we found a skull and jawbone on Golden Doe. (Laura, Bob, Scotty, Corey) spring/fall 2001
blue-tailed lizard At the house-site on the back-80. (Bob and Laura) spring 2001
red-tailed fox In my parents' backyard in Chicago!! (Mom) spring 2001
dead snake We saw the snake on the road by Will's house. When we returned a few hours later, it was gone. summer 2001
baby chipmunk Rudy, Faith and Harmony (Will and Shayla's dogs) were making a racket one day by the woodpile. I peered into the logs to see what the ruckus was about and saw a baby chipmunk in there about four inches from my nose. (Laura) summer 2001

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