The McBoiko's Land
the land the yurt the critters photo album the methow
critter log #1 critter log #2 critter log #3 critter log #4 critter log #5

baby bat Scotty was strambling up some rocks and pulled one loose. A baby bat had been wedged between that rock and another one. She had crimson-orange wings. (Scotty, Corey, Bob, Laura) summer 1999
frog Corey saw a little frog in a hole on the road on Golden Doe Ranch. (Corey, Scotty, Bob, Laura) spring 1999
snake - tan with black rectangles Scotty and Laura saw the snake by the driveway near Rudy's Rock. The snake was about two feet long. spring 1999
cat head Dave Holbein saw this below the path heading down to the tree fort. We're not sure what kind of cat it was. There are cougars and possibly bob cats up there. spring 1999
yellow jacket nest Bob and Scotty saw this on the bridge across Alder Creek. fall 1999
pack rat We had a pack rat in the yurt. She really did stash stuff away in her favorite spots - things she particularly liked including some shiny brass hooks, some lego pieces, an odd assortment of nesting material and - poor thing - the decon we had to put out to kill her. fall 1999
grouse and nest with two eggs Hiking on the back-80 in the spring, I startled a grouse. She flew away to divert my attention from her nest - which I found in the grasses nearby with two eggs. spring 2000

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